Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal died tuesday morning at his home in Vienna at the age of 96. What a sad day, not only for the Jewish People, but for mankind as well. Simon Wiesenthal was simply a great human being. To dedicate his life to hunting down those people who murdered in cold blood millions of people was, in fact, an act of righteousness.

Upon hear about his death on the radio, began listening to a CD on my way to work, and a song came on called "LIGHT ONE CANDLE". It is traditionally a Hanukkah song but listening to the words and reflecting on the accomplishments of Mr. Wiesenthal brought a tear to my eye.

In Memory of Simon Wiesenthal, I would like to share the lyrics from this song with you my readers. You will then know why it is an appropriate song to remember this great man with.

Peter Yarrow- ©1983
Light one candle for the Maccabee children
With thanks that their light didn't die
Light one candle for the pain they endured
When their right to exist was denied
Light one candle for the terrible sacrifice
Justice and freedom demand
But light one candle for the wisdom to know
When the peacemaker's time is at hand

Don't let the light go out!
It's lasted for so many years!
Don't let the light go out!
Let it shine through our love and our tears.

Light one candle for the strength that we need
To never become our own foe
And light one candle for those who are suffering
Pain we learned so long ago
Light one candle for all we believe in
That anger not tear us apart
And light one candle to find us together
With peace as the song in our hearts

What is the memory that's valued so highly
That we keep it alive in that flame?
What's the commitment to those who have died
That we cry out they've not died in vain?
We have come this far always believing
That justice would somehow prevail
This is the burden, this is the promise
This is why we will not fail!

From The Rogue Jew, May his memory be for a blessing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WSJ correction acknowledges paidContent.Org's report gives a nod to the Weblog by adding this correction to its story : "News of the talks between Viacom and IFILM was reported earlier on the Web site The initial version ...
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