Thursday, April 28, 2005


I think that it is quite interesting how liberal Democrats accuse Republicans almost daily of being indifferent, biased, racist, prejudiced, and the list goes on and on and on of the continuous drool and spew that is thrown at Republicans every single day. BUT, it is completely oky doky for these same schmucks to be indifferent, biased, and racist when it comes to approving judges for the federal courts that have been nominated by the President.

All very qualified candidates to the bench, roadblocked by the liberal, socialist Democrats because of religious beliefs. Plain and simple. No other way to put it. Democrats are in fear of the Presidential nominees to the courts because they realize that the courts are their LAST hope of ever advancing their destructive, socialist agenda on unsuspecting Americans.

They realize that they have lost all power in both the Executive and legislative branches of government with absolutely NO HOPE for them to pass any of their gun control or socialist bills that make Americans dependent upon them for every need in their lives. Instead, they have resorted to legislating from the bench.

Liberal Judges haven taken upon themselves to go beyond their powers of the bench and begin advancing the agenda of the liberal Democrats from the bench, thus extending their powers beyond what the Constitution had intended.

The Constitution gave all three branches of government; Executive, Legislative, and Judicial, "Seperate But Equal" powers. It never intended for the Judicial branch to be the "Overlord" over the other two branches. In todays world, when the Liberal Democrats cannot pass one of their socialist laws, they bypass the will of the people and rely on their Liberal, Socialist Judges that they put on the bench and call upon them to inflict their "Laws" upon us, and all with the help of one of the biggest Communist organizations that exists in America today!...The A.C.L.U.

That is why the Liberal Democrats have been obstructing the legislative process in approving Judges to the federal bench. IT IS THEIR LAST BASTION OF POWER AND THEY DON'T WANT TO LOSE IT! That is why they will lie, cheat and steal to fool Americans into believing in what they are doing by roadblocking the President.

Always remember, Liberal Democrats are not looking out for the "working man". They are only intersted in regaining their power and using it to destroy the American Dream and create another Communist nation out of our Grand Republic.


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