Tuesday, March 08, 2005


This is coming from what is probably one of the biggest male chauvanist pigs in the world. Until recently, I thought that brides wore white because the dishwasher was suppose to match the stove and fridge. My personel file with the Dept. of Corrections had written in it, "Does not work well with female supervision." My middle name was "Insubordination". I am ready to admit how wrong I am.

With all of the Democrats falling all over each other to endorse their candidate for 2008, an election still almost 4 years away. I have decided that The Rogue Jew was going to take an early lead on who I would like to see run for President as a Republican in 2008.

I believe that the best "Woman" for the job is.....CONDOLEEZZA RICE!

I am going to make a prediction for the Bush administration, and I am not alone in this. Although for the record, I made a similar prediction to some friends of mine in 2003, early on in the Presidential Race.

I think that eventually, Vice President Dick Cheney will step down because of health reasons and that President Bush will ask Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to step up as the new Vice President of the United States of America, making her the first woman who just happens to be of African-American decent to take the second highest post of the land, which in turn will put her in the fast lane ride toward the Presidency.

Face it. The woman is smart, talented, and has what it takes to lead this country and the war on terror. Her priority is a secure America, not her own agenda of power much like that of Sen. Hillary Clinton, the Carpet Bagger from New York.

My official call is for Condoleezza Rice as President in 2008.

For more information about Ms. Rice and other supporters of this cause, go to this web site: http://condoleezza.blogspot.com/

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well its about time you admit that. never thought it would happen, but to my surprise it did.