Thursday, July 21, 2005


Let's play "Guess The Schmuck"......Who could I be talking about?

What Pittsburgh Steeler fan had to be told to wear deoderant before he was promoted to Supervisor because of his odoriferous presense on the checkpoint? Still hav'nt guessed.....Keep Playing......

He has no neck and no appearance of a chin, it looks like his shoulders blew a bubble? Still having problems, keep playin.................

He is hardly ever without a cup of StarBucks coffee in his hand, and his ass has taken on the impression of the stool he most often can be found sitting in, that is when he is even on the checkpoint? One more hint.....................

His name rhymes with oddly eneough, "NO BRAINER"...............

OK, now it's your turn to Guess The Schmuck. Send in your guesses. Have Fun!

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