Tuesday, May 17, 2005


With the release of the DVD "KINSEY", the story about Dr. Alfred Kinsey I felt abliged to let my readers know that Hollyweird whitewashed this fanatical pedophilic, sadistic, homosexual freak of nature as part of their agenda to pervert the minds of Americans. Here is some interesting facts about Dr. Kinsey that the movie failed to tell:

research reveals that He compiled statistics of “normal” sexual behavior by
including a high percentage of pedophiles, inmates, sex
offenders, pimps and prostitutes and described them as
“average” Americans. He kept no records that could
corroborate his findings.
1. The Kinsey data are the scientific basis for the Model
Penal Code, which led to the elimination or reduction in
penalties for sex offenses, including rape, child abuse and

2. Kinsey’s data are also the basis for most of America’s sex
education curricula, which begin with the premise that
children are “sexual beings” entitled to sex at all ages.

3. He believed that all sexual behaviors were “natural,”
including bestiality, pedophilia, homosexuality, sodomy
and sadistic sex. He argued that sex and morality had no

4. He collected data on the sexual abuse of hundreds of
infants and children with the purpose of recording

5. He believed there was nothing inherently wrong with
child-adult sex except for reactions to it based on
superstitious “taboos.”

6. Kinsey filmed his wife masturbating and having sex with
other staff members and he himself had sex with all of his
male staff.

7. He filmed himself masturbating and performing
masochistic acts on himself. Biographers report that he
may have fatally injured himself during a bizarre
masturbation incident.

1. Kinsey’s “science” was fraudulent and in some cases criminal.
2. Children were sexually molested for the data that Kinsey gathered.
3. An entire sex education industry grew out of Kinsey’s deceptive data.
4. The Kinsey-engineered Model Penal Code resulted in reducing penalties for sex offenses, such as rape and molestation, thus putting women and children at increased risk.

Anyone who thinks that this man was a gift to the sexual world, needs to have their head examined and maybe even consider sterilization. You can be sure that there will be more to follow on this sick perverse bastard in the future.

Sources: James Jones, Alfred C. Kinsey: A Public/Private Life (New York: W.W.
Norton & Company, 1997). Dr. Judith A. Reisman, Kinsey: Crimes &
Consequences (Crestwood, Kentucky, 2000). Judith A. Reisman, Ph.D., and
Edward W. Eichel, Kinsey, Sex and Fraud: The Indoctrination of a People
(Lafayette, Louisiana: Lochinvar-Huntington House, 1990).

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