Friday, April 08, 2005


Just a couple of things to weigh in on before the start of what I hope will be a nice weekend.

I am really surprised that the Rev. Jesse Jackson did not make an appearance at the Pope's funeral this week, what with all of the lights, cameras and microphones there. As is the case most of the time, when you find that mixture of people and media, Jesse will be waiting to crawl out from under his slimy rock to shoot off his big mouth on some liberal issue that will make him richer. Money that usually comes from the pockets of stupid, gullable people who buy into his rhetoric of hate.

Yesterday, it was reported that some illeagle aliens were being held against their will by some of the patriotic Americans who have taken it upon themselves to protect our borders. Once again the liberal media was wrong.

"The county attorney's office reviewed all available evidence, that indicates that there was no forcible detention, therefore the case is not substantiated, and no charges are pending," said Carol Capas, a spokeswoman for the Cochise County Sheriff's Department.

Although I laughed my ass off when I read that one of the illegals had posed with a t-shirt reading, "Bryan Barton caught an illegal alien and all I got was this T-shirt." Bryan, my hat's off to you. Mazel Tov!

One more thing: I am really pissed off this week about what I have to pay for a gallon of gas. Someone told me, "In Europe, they pay up too six dollars for a gallon of gas." I'm sorry, I do not give a flying hemrhoid about what the schmucks in Europe are paying for gas.

A note to the President. Let's start pumpin some of that oil in Iraq over here. Screw those Shiite headed bastards in Saudi. Time to do something about this. Make France pay out of their asses for the oil and cut the price for us here in the United States. If the French don't wanna pay...Then they can get their oil from the Chinese or any other one of their Communist dictator buddies. Time to start thinkin about us here in America....In the words of Larry the Cable Guy: "Mr. President, GIT ER DONE!!!"

Have a good weekend....................The Rogue Jew

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