Thursday, March 31, 2005

DAY 13

How can a woman who was supposedly "ready to die," still be hanging on to life after 13 days of starvation and dehydration? One would think that if she wanted to die, that she would have succumbed to her tortuous execution by now.

I can honestly say that here, in the United States, I have now witnessed mans inhumanity to man in a way that I thought I never would. Judge George Greer=Adolph Hitler.

I am still wary of the Reverend Jesse Jackson's motive for supporting the family of Terri Schiavo. I have never known Jesse to do ANYTHING that did not benefit himself in some way. After all, the man is literally responsible for supporting the legalized murder of thousands of African-American babies within the womb every single year by supporting abortion. He has been praying for an alleged child molester, and now he wants Terri to live, contrary to the opinion of his liberal, socialist friends.

Terri is now approaching day number 14 of her slow and agonizing murder assigned to her by both a Judge and her adulterous husband. I pray that Hashem is with her in her time of need.

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