Saturday, February 12, 2005


Who would you guess to be the oldest enemy that America has? Russia? China? Would you believe your wrong on both accounts?

I bet you didn't know that Thomas Jefferson was very close to declaring war against France. During World War 2, our soldiers had to fight their way through the French to get to the Nazi's in Northern Africa, and during the Cold War, France didn't rule out the option of aiming nuclear weapons at the United States of America.

Because Liberal Pussies have re-written history to favor what is "Politically Correct" and to the favor of those who despise the freedoms and liberties that we enjoy in this great nation, alot of the people are unaware of the truth. Unaware of the hatred and danger that lurks in the hearts of those who hold out their hand in "friendship" while hiding a dagger in the other hand behind their back.

There is a book out there called "Our Oldest Enemy" written by John J. Miller and Mark Molesky. While I have not had the chance to read the entire book, I have read eneough to convince me that France does not share our views when it comes to the war on terror or on liberating the Iraqi people.

I know that I am stating the obvious, but before reading what I had read on this subject, I never was as aware of the political differences between the United States and France and how historical those differences really are.

The French have even tried to interfere with our Presidential Elections at one time. Particularly when George Washington had decided not to run for a 3rd term as President and John Adams was running for the post.

After World War 1 had ended, it was the French that imposed such harsh terms of surrender on the Germans with their demand for reparations that they created the conditions for and unleashed the raw passions that would eventually lead to a more destructive war that would again require America to come to the rescue of the ungrateful French. Former President, Dwight D. Eisenhower said and I quote, "Next to the weather, the French have caused me more trouble in this war then any single factor."

After World War 2, the French decided against the wishes of America, to maintain a colony in the country of Vietnam, which turned out to be a disasterous move for the French, and many economic and political thinkers have often said that had the French liberated the Vietnamese people after WWII, their country would be as prosperous and productive as South Korea.

Many times in history the French have betrayed the United States. I am not saying we need to attack France, but I think this country needs rethink it's financial and diplomatic friendship with France, for it is proven that they benefit more from it then we ever will.

In the meantime, I have a personal message for Chirac and the rest of the pussies in France who have attempted to stonewall President George W. Bush and America in the war on terror and the liberation of the Iraqi people
Moony 1The Rogue Jew

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